Marti’s Corner – 136

Hi Everyone,
** I used the last of my dehydrated carrots and having done the math a few times, I’ve decided it’s just as economical to buy carrots already dehydrated. So today, I looked up the location for my local Home Storage Center. You can find the one nearest you here: Home Storage Center Locations They are open to the public.
Also, from this page, there is a link for the prices. Carrots are $8.67 for approx. 11 cups of dehydrated carrots = about 33 cups of rehydrated carrots.
** CERT Training
Most CERT training involves 4 hours on a Friday, and then 8 hours on both Sat and Sun. If you are interested, you can check out this website to find a location near you:
I was reminded about this website: Seed-Starting Date Calculator | When to Start Seeds Indoors | Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Type in your last frost date, which you can find by zip code here: Lookup your first and last freeze/frost dates by zip code
On the seed starting calculator, you look down to the list to see what you want to plant, and the calculator will tell you how many weeks ahead to plant indoors (if you want to do that), AND what date that would be for you and your area. Then it gives you the dates you should set them out in your garden. So helpful!
What I found out was that I should have started my celery already. So, I’ll be doing that soon. Also, for my area, Jan 19 is the day to plant broccoli, cauliflower, and beets inside. *Beets can be directly sown, but I have transplanted them for the past two years and it has worked well.
As for herbs and flowers, it looks like I’ll be starting my yarrow as well.
THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: rice 10 pounds (20 would be better)
Rice is part of the recommended 400 lbs of grain per person per year. Divided by 12, you should store about 33 lbs of grains per month. Grains include wheat, rice, barley, pasta, and corn.
Ten pounds of rice = 20 c. Each cup of rice = 3 c. cooked rice. SOOOOO 10 pounds of rice = 60 cups of rice.
You can buy rice in #10 cans (5.4 pounds) at the Home Storage Centers for under $8. You can get rice cheaper at the grocery store. Store rice in clean 2-liter bottles, OR vacuum seal it in smaller portions. You can also repackage in Mylar Bags, but you must use an oxygen absorber. This will help kill any bugs and remove the oxygen. You MUST repackage or you will get pantry flies! The #10 cans of rice have a shelf life of 30 years.
MISC. PURCHASE: trash bags
What kind? How many? Who knows?
I have some small ones for sanitation purposes in case we have no water or plumbing. I also have some large ones for trash in case there is no trash pickup. It’s just a good idea to have a variety. Even just getting an extra box of several sizes and setting them aside is a start.
This is from the “Cannery Cookbook” prepared by the Welfare Services division of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Here is what it says about rice.
“Cook rice in beef or chicken broth instead of water.
Mix cooked rice with a variety of things: sliced mushrooms, sautéed onions, crumbled pieces of bacon, slivered almonds, or grated cheese.
Try sour cream and chives mixed into cooked rice.
Substitute 1/2 c. fruit juice (orange, apple, cherry) for 1/2 c. water when cooking. OR vegetable juice cocktail or tomato juice may also be exchanged for 1 c. of water.
Add one of the following herbs to the cooking water when preparing rice:
1/8 tsp dried thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, basil or savory
1/2 tsp celery seeds or dried dill
seasoned salt instead of salt
3/4 tsp dried marjoram
1 small bay leaf
To cook rice: 1 c. uncooked rice equals 3 cups of cooked rice or 4 servings.
1 c. rice + 2 c. water + 1 tsp salt. Bring to a boil, cover and lower the heat to simmer. Cook about 15 min without removing the lid or stirring.
Browned Rice
This is a great way to use up extra vegetables and/or meat from a previous dinner.
1 c. rice
1/4 c. shortening (or vegetable oil) Heat the oil and add the rice. Cook, stirring constantly for about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Add
1/4 c. chopped, pre-cooked meat: chicken, sausage, beef, pork. Add
onion, celery, or any other vegetables
Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes.
Add 3 1/2 c. water and 1 tsp salt. Simmer over low heat 20-25 min or until rice is tender and excess liquid has evaporated.
Hawaiian Haystacks
This is one of my favorite meals, but I seldom (okay never) make it because it’s kind of a lot of work for just 2 people (a little like tacos – I never make those either)
2 cans Cream of Chicken soup
1 can chicken, drained and flaked
Combine soup and chicken
2 c. rice + 4 c. water + 2 tsp salt = 6 c. rice
Prepare the rice.
Serve the chicken over rice THEN add toppings:
1 can pineapple chunks – drained
green onions
cashews – the best part
LaChoy noodles
shredded cheese (also my favorite although you wouldn’t think it would be good. But really, when is cheese NOT good???
It’s a good meal when you’re feeding a lot of people.
Marti Shelley
Thanks Marti for the seed starting link. Side note- we are a family of 2 and enjoy tacos but not all the salt at restaurants. If you have a costco card there is a taco prep platter that’s quick and easy for those days when cooking doesn’t work (aka traveling). It gives us 2 light meals.
Thank you so much for the time you take to keep us informed on new recipes, tricks and tips for gardening and prep ideas.
You can also cook rice (and other grains) which increases their nutritional value and makes a hearty breakfast with the addition of a little brown sugar and some fruit. I like to top it with a little butter or cream.