Marti’s Corner – 36

Mozzarella from powdered milk

Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,


*  I made Chicken Roll-Ups last night with some Ragu Alfredo Sauce from 2013.  It was just fine and tasted delicious!  I’ll post the recipe below – everything was on the shelf.  This is what I mean by rotating.  When you find an old jar, don’t be afraid to open it.  If it’s bad, then toss it.  But if not, use it up.
*  Remember the tomato seeds that I saved and replanted.  They are growing VERY slowly, but growing nonetheless.  I planted the zucchini on Aug. 10 and the tomatoes on Aug. 14.

Plants for Fall GardenI’m not sure I’ll get any tomatoes from these starts, but we’ll see.  Meanwhile, I’m hoping for some zucchini for sure! More Fall Garden PlantsI wanted to show you my lettuce.  I had so many problems during the heat of the summer that I took out all the plants.  I replanted the lettuce about a month ago. Lettuce seedlingsThis tub was all new seeds.

Wondering about the sticks?  I can’t keep the cat from walking through the tubs.  Ugh.  I STILL found a footprint in the dirt.  I need another 100 sticks!!!

I wanted to show you this because the seeds came in pretty well.  You can thin them or transplant them until you have rows of 4 plants across.  So, there are plenty there.  But toward the bottom, the plants did not germinate as well.  This is because I used “old” seed.  Now, it’s not THAT old, but probably 2-3 years old.  I haven’t been keeping my seeds in a refrigerator (who wants to take up space for seeds?), but I have been keeping them in the closet inside instead.  If you can freeze or refrigerate your seeds, they can last 10-20 years!!!

Milk - Powdered Milk

If you are interested in making cheese, you should visit:  New England Cheesemaking Supply Company | Cheese Making  But right away, I got hung up on the type of milk that makes good cheese.  Evidently, raw milk is best, and since I don’t have very good access to raw milk, I was ready to give up.  Then I started watching some videos about making cheese.  

These ladies seem to really know what they are doing:  How to Make Traditional Cheddar Cheese: A Complete Guide.  But they also use raw milk.  In this video, she takes you to the grocery store and looks for store-bought milk.  She finds raw milk but buys regular pasteurized milk and shows you how to make cheese from it.  (Your Cheese will FAIL Unless you do THIS! (Cheese from Store-Bought Milk).

She uses these ingredients: calcium chloride, “culture,” and rennet. 

Then I googled, “Can you make cheese from powdered milk.”  I got this:  Mozzarella Recipe with Instant Nonfat Dry Milk | Cheese Making.  So maybe not ALL kinds of cheese, but mozzarella – YES!!!

SHORT-TERM FOCUS: Drink Mix/Lemonade
As we go into winter, these items should reduce in price because they are mostly a “summer” thing.  Pick up one each time you shop until you have a small collection.  Put them in a closet or under a bed.  

72-HOUR KIT FOCUS: Emergency Blanket

Overly happy woman in emergency blanketDo these keep you warm?  Does anyone know?  Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets -Space Blanket Survival kit Camping Blanket (4-Pack).

The seller says he has worn it in -30F weather, and it worked “wonders.”  Hmmm.  You can’t beat the cost: 4 blankets for $8.99.


Chicken Alfredo Roll-Ups

Eleven lasagna noodles – I know it seems like an odd number, and I actually cooked 12, but my jar of chicken was only enough for 11, so I ended up throwing one away.
One jar Alfredo Sauce – Spoon a little on the bottom of a baking dish.  I think I used something a little smaller than 9X13.
One jar chicken – drained
mozzarella cheese

Layout the cooked lasagna noodle on a cutting board and spread with sauce.  You don’t need much, because you want some leftover to put on top when you are done.  Lightly flake the chicken onto the entire length.  Sprinkle with a bit of basil along the length.  Start at one end and roll up, then set cut side down in the baking dish.  Repeat.

Spread remaining Alfredo sauce over the rolls and sprinkle with cheese.  Bake 350 degrees for 30 min.  

Potato Soup
from There’s a Cow in the Kitchen by Virginia Nelson

2 TB finely chopped onion
1 TB finely chopped celery
3 TB butter
     Sauté onion and celery in butter.
Two c. water
One carrot, shredded
Three c. potatoes, shredded
     Add and simmer until potatoes are done.

In a separate dish or blender, mix
1 1/2 c. water
3/4 c. non-instant milk powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper

Add milk mixture to potato mixture and cook, stirring constantly until thick.  Garnish with:

chopped parsley

I like this recipe because you can use fresh or dehydrated EVERYTHING.  Plus, add whatever veggies are leftover in the fridge.

Cottage Cheese
from There’s a Cow in the Kitchen by Virginia Nelson

1/4 rennet tablet (you can order online or check the gelatin section of the grocery store)
2 quarts of warm water
3 c non-instant powdered milk (5 1/3 c. instant)
1/2 c. buttermilk
1/2 tsp salt
whole milk

Dissolve the rennet in 2 quarts of warm water.  Beat in the milk powder and buttermilk.  Be sure to dissolve the milk powder completely.  Allow to stand in a warm room until set.  Two to six hours is average (or overnight).  When a firm curd has formed, but into 1/2 inch squares and set the pan into a sink of hot water.  Stir gently at frequent intervals (about 10-20 minutes), and the curds have hardened to the consistency you desire. Pour through a strainer or colander lined with cheesecloth.  Drain and then run cold water through the cheese until it is cool and well washed.**  Season with salt to taste (start with 1/2 tsp) and add whole milk or half-and-half to make it as creamy as you desire.  Do not get the water too hot, or the curds will harden.

** The whey you drain off can be saved and used as the liquid in bread.  It is nutritious and high in lactose (milk sugar), so it reduces the amount of sugar needed for the yeast.  The Best Uses for Whey | The Prairie Homestead

Cream Cheese
Use the recipe above for cottage cheese, but instead of cutting it into squares, pour into a cheesecloth-covered strainer, close the cheesecloth, and squeeze out as much whey as you can with your hands.  

Allow to drain until the mixture is about the same consistency as commercial cream cheese.  Place in the freezer until well chilled (usually overnight).  Then knead in your hands until the texture is smooth.

This week, make one thing from food on hand (nothing fresh) – rotate, rotate!!!


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