Chat GPT: The Threat Not Being Discussed…

- Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.” It’s considered a sign of intelligence if a human can hold two opposing ideas in one’s mind and still take a course of action. What then, of the computer mind of artificial intelligence that can hold billions and billions of data points and find a specific pattern within them? In 1996, the chess computer Deep Blue was estimated to evaluate 100 to 200 million chess positions per second, but that was 27 years ago, 11 years before the first Apple iPhone, and just four years after the first web browser code was ever created. Today, AI can make an exponentially higher number of calculations and evaluations of data than that computer which could defeat chess champions. Machines have exponentially improved their processing speeds and memory since then. Though you think you opt out, businesses and other entities have gathered terabytes and terabytes of data on human decisions, thoughts, and behaviors– all fodder for AI algorithms to process in mere milliseconds.
