H5N1-2023 – The Big One Is Coming (And Why We Won’t Be Ready)

- When I graduated in 1999, one of the biggest concerns within the Microbiology community was the inevitable outbreak of an illness that could not be contained or treated. The medicine of that time was being outpaced by pathogens that were mutating fasterer than they could be stopped and the issue is still overshadowing the medial community to this day.
- New infectious diseases have been showing up at a faster pace due to growing zoonotic transmission from animals. Add to that, we’re now able to travel quickly and increase our risk of spreading those diseases faster.
- Laboratories around the world are testing and experimenting with increasingly dangerous pathogens. It’s not exactly a regulated industry and one simple slip up somewhere could lead to it quickly spreading. The origins of Covid are still uncertain and the potential for it having started in a Wuhan lab have not been ruled out.
- What’s even more concerning are the unknown malicious actors around the world who could purposefully release a biological weapon, a highly contagious one at that.
- When I do these videos, I realize the content is heavy.
- I just spoke with the owner of another YT channel while writing this
- We both were lamenting on the issues facing the world at present
- Hate to pile another discussion, but it’s something we have to pay attention to
- Keep doing what you’re doing, prepare, and take advantage of the time you have