5 Signs a Nation is About to Collapse

So Eden sank to grief, so dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.-Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay There aren’t any new signs that a nation is on the brink of collapse. The same problems a nation faces throughout its history are the same ones when left unsolved, which fuel a nation’s fall from power. America’s present lone-superpower status is being increasingly challenged. Other great empires in the past, such as Britain, Spain, Rome, Persia, Babylon, and Egypt, have fallen, so why should America’s future be any more certain and guaranteed? The same problems that contributed to those empires falling are present today, right here in America. We face many of the same challenges, and these challenges may be signs of a coming collapse. In this video, I will take a historical look at where we appear to be in our nation’s life cycle and the five most pressing challenges we face that could very well be the signs of our imminent fall. I have to warn you that some of the five signs I discuss are highly charged political lightning rods. As you can imagine, any problem a nation collectively faces probably is highly-charged. I will do my best to address the issues and signs I see that we are facing without interjecting any bias or opinion one way or the other. You may have strong opinions for or against these signs I will discuss here, but I would ask that you hold back judgment and look at the more significant fact that these are problems in need of a solution, whatever that solution may be. Let’s explore the signs we should be paying attention to right now. The Stages of An Empire

- Just-in-Time Manufacturing & Distribution

- Political & Cultural Divisions

- Weakened Borders & Increased Travel

- Income Inequality & Working Poor

- Destruction of Natural Habitats & Resource Depletion

You didn’t cover invasion of one country buy another to take resources and land control on the basis of the invading country expanding their influence and dominance of culture at the expense of the eradication/demise of the invaded country’s people and culture