Marti’s Corner – 12

Garden Infestation

Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,


* The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Murrieta, California is encouraging its members to be prepared. They want us to make every effort during the upcoming year to do this so that we will NOT be caught unprepared for whatever disaster may come next. I have attached a copy of the Conference 2 Conference Schedule we will be using. I actually started using this schedule in January, we are ahead of the game.

* I think I tried to make strawberry jam once. My husband announced that he likes store-bought better. Score for me!!! Now, I just keep 2-3 large jars of store-bought jam sitting in my pantry. But I saw this recipe and watched the video. Jam with just three ingredients. Even I can do that. It makes just a small amount, so you don’t have to buy flats of berries. You can try it out and if it doesn’t work, you haven’t lost a lot. Strawberry Jam Video Recipe | TheBellyRulesTheMind

* Are the bugs eating your garden yet? Here are two highly recommended products.

First, Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew. It is totally organic and kills just about everything. It makes the bugs sick, so they don’t want to eat, then they die. This concentrate uses about 2 teaspoons (read the label) per quart of water. Use it regularly to prevent infestation. Just spray once a week. EVERY week!!! But, it doesn’t work well on aphids.

Second, you need something to kill aphids. There are a lot of DIY aphid sprays on the internet. Someone told me she used a “garlic” spray. Just drain the liquid off your jar of minced garlic and add water. BUT, I didn’t necessarily want to use this on my lettuce because I didn’t want my lettuce to taste like garlic. I have used both these products: Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap Concentrate. This is called Safer Soap. Also a concentrate. Another product for aphids is Pyrethrin.

All three of these products are totally organic. Organic gardening doesn’t mean you can’t use chemicals on your garden, just not poisons. Check with your local nursery. Otherwise, they are readily available online. If you already have aphids, you’ll need to spray 2X a week to get rid of them. Then spray once a week to control. Take your garden back!!!!



I just don’t want to be without eggs. No cookies? If I’m in a zombie apocalypse, I want cookies! This month we’ll focus on dehydrated eggs and where to get them, how to cook them, how to make your own, and other egg substitutes.  This website tried out 8 different brands of eggs. The Best Powdered Eggs for Your Emergency Food Supply 2021 | PreparednessMama Here are their top five favorites:

#1 Judee’s Gluten-Free Whole Egg Powder
#2 Ova Easy Egg Crystals
#3 Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Powder (I have a few cans of this) You can get it on Amazon.
#4 Hosier Hill Farm Whole Egg Granules
#5 Mountain House Scrambled Eggs with Bacon.

(my advice – don’t buy this. First of all, it is freeze-dried. That means that the scrambled eggs are frozen at their regular size. This can is only 13 servings, and the Augason Farms is 72 servings. BIG difference.)

If you don’t have chickens, you may want to think about getting at least ONE can of dehydrated whole eggs this month.


Have you wondered about powdered peanut butter vs regular peanut butter for storage?

Powdered peanut butter is made by pressing out most of the oils from the peanuts, then the nuts are ground into a fine powder. The bottom line is powdered PB has fewer calories. In addition, because there is less oil, it will probably store for longer. HOWEVER, on one website, she says this:

“The other thing to mention, of course, is price. For getting less (fat, calories) you actually need to pay more. I paid about $7 for the powdered peanut butter, which gives 15 (reconstituted) tablespoons, compared to about $4 for the Jif peanut butter spread with 28 tablespoons.” That’s a BIG difference. What’s the Deal with Powdered Peanut Butter? | Kitchn On this site, she has pictures to compare and her opinion of a taste test.

I DO find that I have to rotate my peanut butter. It will last about 3 years for me. I’m not big on PB&J sandwiches, but I love me some “No-Bake” cookies. Also peanut butter cookies in general. Plus, Craig eats PB on all things breakfast: pancakes, waffles, crepes. PB AND syrup.

72-HOUR KIT FOCUS: Change of Clothes

Have you heard of people being forced to flee with only the clothes on their backs?  I do NOT have a complete change of clothes in my 72-hour kit.  A)  Too bulky  B) I don’t have that many clothes.  LOL

But, I DO have a change of socks and underwear.  I put them in a ziplock Baggie and have it in my backpack.  

In the ’70s (sigh, yes, I’m THAT old) I went to the thrift store and bought stuff for my kids’ packs.  Either that, or just use something your older kids have outgrown, and stick it in a pack for a younger child.  If kids are going to carry their own pack, clothes are light and it’s one less thing you have to carry.  You can also repurpose a rolling suitcase or storage plastic tub to include clothes for everyone.  Set it in the garage where it can be easily grabbed.


Woman in showerCan shampoo go bad? Turns out it can. When Good Shampoo Goes Bad – SoCozy How do you get around this? Just rotate. I don’t keep a lot of shampoo on hand. After all, washing your hair is not on the “I Need It To Stay Alive” list. But, you will feel so much better if you can just get your hair clean even once a week. If you buy something cheap, just to store it, it will go bad before you ever use it (unless you put it in the guest bathroom where all unwanted products go.) So, just buy more when what you are using is about 1/2 empty. Then when it is ALL empty, start on the one you already bought and buy another one. Now you are one ahead. One open, and 3-4 on the shelf should do it.


Peanut Butter Cookie Bars
This recipe is from my amazing daughter-in-law, Chantel. She says it originally called for chocolate chips, but her family liked the peanut butter chips better. She made this for us while I was in Maryland, and they were gone in ONE day!!!

1 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Cream together all of the above. Then add:
2 c. flour
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
2 c. oats
1 package Reese’s peanut butter chips

Pat into a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Peanut Butter Cookies
I THOUGHT this recipe was from the Better Homes and Gardens CookBook, but when I tried to check that, I couldn’t find it in there. It’s the one I use all the time.

1 c. soft butter
1 c. extra crunchy peanut butter
1 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar
Cream together
2 eggs Add and mix
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 c. flour
1 c. roasted salted peanuts – process to crumbs – about 14 pulses
(True confession, I never do this because I seldom have peanuts)

Roll in balls and press with a fork.
Bake 350 degrees on parchment 10-12 minutes until the edges are set and still soft in the center.


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  1. Hi Kris,

    Awesome information for beginners. I have been preparing for less than a year. I came across your channel and subscribed then later on I joined your newsletter. Today, I find myself reading my first post from Marti’s corner and I am pleased with this information. This is some of the best advice I have found along with your advice and Canadian prepper. I will continue reading to improve my skills and become better prepared.

    The only thing I am currently having trouble with is what sort of disaster to prepare for at this time. I don’t live on an earthquake prone zone. I haven’t lived through a natural disaster here. The only thing I could foresee is either someone tampering with public utility companies or perhaps social unrest since I live so close to Washington DC. I suppose I can begin preparing for those scenarios and expand from there.

    Thanks for all the great work!

    1. Thanks for following CityPrepping. Definitely prepare for those things, but you may also want to make sure you are hardened off against failures of municipal systems and just-in-time delivery systems like grocery stores. When you prepare for one disaster you are actually preparing for a few different types of disasters. BTW, in a coming video, I will be covering the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone. That could directly (destruction) or indirectly (refugees) impact your area, I would think.

  2. Buy ant traps and set them around plants that may have aphids. No ants, no aphids. Ants colonize aphids to “milk” for food.