Marti’s Corner – 13

Honey Fermented Garlic Recipe

Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,


* I wanted to mention another great organic product for slugs, roly-polies, earwigs, and cutworms – Sluggo Plus. It is safe around pets and wildlife. It is still effective after rain or watering. It breaks down into fertilizer.  Sluggo Plus Wildlife and Pet Safe Slug Killer.
* Here is some garden info for you: Spring Gardening: April Garden Checklist Zones 9-11 | Kellogg Garden Organics™



Here are some highlights from THIS article: How to Use Powdered Eggs in Everyday Cooking
— dried eggs should be rotated every three years, but under optimum conditions can still be good up to 10 years
— Keep in a cool, dark area
— Just add water to use in omelets, scrambled eggs. In recipes needing eggs, the dehydrated eggs can be used in powdered form. The eggs can be added dry with the water. No need to mix ahead of time.

1 TB egg powder + 2 TB water = 1 medium egg
2 TB egg powder + 1/4 c. water = extra large egg

Price comparison:
Auguson Farms whole egg powder $27.49 for 72 servings
That’s $.38 per egg.

1 dozen eggs X $.38 = $4.56 Which would be expensive (in my mind) for a dozen eggs. So, dehydrated eggs are NOT cheaper. But, when the store shelves empty out in an emergency, you will be glad to have them.

The recommended amount for a year is 2 cans per person. Start with one can.  Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can.  In 2-3 months, get another one. A few months later, get another one, etc. When you have all your eggs, start to rotate them. Use them when you bake. Maybe add some powdered eggs to a pan of scrambled eggs (mix it in there and no one will know!!!). Really, I tried them one morning and gave them to Craig, and he didn’t know.

And having just typed this, I realize I should do some rotating of my own.


Honey has some advantages over sugar. Personally, I think it’s unrealistic to use honey exclusively. Super expensive. Then there is the matter of readjusting all your recipes. And storing honey is NOT as easy as storing sugar. Honey tends to harden (which is totally okay), but it just has to be heated to reliquify. BUT, like I said, there are benefits, so honey makes a good addition to your storage.
— It is rich in antioxidants, which can help lower blood pressure
— It less “bad” for you than white sugar
— It reduces “bad” cholesterol and raises “good” cholesterol
— It can lower triglycerides
— It can heal wounds and burns. It is also effective for diabetic foot ulcers. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It can also treat psoriasis and herpes lesions.
Manuka honey is especially effective for wound care.
— Honey water can help with coughs

Here is a good conversion chart for cooking with honey instead of sugar. Sugar to Honey Recipe Conversion Rules — Peachtree Road Farmers Market



For each of my kits, I took a washrag and cut it in half. (A piece of towel would work as well.) Then I added a small soap (think motel). I put them in a baggie, and in they went. As we know, soap is great for killing bacteria and germs. Being able to wash a wound with soap and water might sting, but it could prevent infection. You could also include a mini shampoo (travel size). Frankly, I think I just have soap and cloth.


As long as you are thinking about soap, think about getting some bars of soap for storage. Bars of soap are easier to store and will last A LOT longer than liquid soap. (not necessarily store for longer, but will take longer to use up). With consistent use, you will probably need a bar or two per month. Check the Dollar Store.

You might want to get a bucket from Lowes or a storage container with a lid and label it “toiletries). It can stay in the garage. If you haven’t got room under your sink or in a bathroom cabinet, this would be a good place to store your supply.


Here is a recipe for garlic-infused honey:

Honey Fermented Garlic RecipeGarlic is a staple found in just about every home. The foundation of many flavor combinations, garlic has many health benefits. People have been using garlic medicinally since ancient times. It helps boost your immune system and prevent colds, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.  There are many ways to incorporate the healing power of garlic. Try something new, like infusing garlic in honey. The garlic will ferment, adding beneficial probiotics to the mixture. It is great for colds and the flu.

Honey Fermented Garlic

Place garlic in a glass jar and cover it with honey.

Make sure you leave plenty of headspace at the top of the jar to accommodate the additional liquid and bubbles that will be created in the process. This will help prevent explosions of honey in your kitchen.

Garlic Honey - Flu Virus Fighter

You want to flip the jar daily to ensure the garlic stays coated in honey. This will help prevent mold from forming.
After several days you should see bubbles begin to form. This is a sign fermentation has begun. Burp the jar daily to release the gasses. Over time the activity in the jar will decrease, and you can burp less frequently.

When the bubbling stops, the fermentation is complete. This can take several months, but the end result is worth it.
For best results, make sure you use organic garlic and raw honey. You can use the garlic for cooking, add the honey to tea, or simply eat it by the spoonful if you like.

My Favorite Granola

7 c. oats
1 c. chopped almonds (I’ve used both slivered and sliced)
1 c. wheat germ
1 c. sunflower seeds
1/2 c. honey
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Mix oats, almonds, wheat germ, and seeds in a large bowl.
Mix honey, oil, sugar, and vanilla in a saucepan. Heat to dissolve and mix, but don’t boil. Add to oats and mix well. Spread on 2 greased cookie sheets. Bake 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Stir occasionally. Remove from oven, cool, and add
1 1/2 c. raisins.
This makes about 12 cups of granola, which is A LOT for two people, so I usually 1/2 the recipe. It’s pretty versatile. Change the type of nuts or leave them out. Add in something else? Flax seeds, cracked wheat, whatever. Substitute craisins for raisins?

Half and Half Bread with Honey

When my kids were little, I used to bake about 8 loaves of bread a week. THIS is the recipe I used. It’s from Daryl Hoole (She was a homemaking guru in the ’70s). I liked it because the first rise is spongy, less kneading.

This recipe makes 4 loaves, so plan accordingly:

6 c. water
2 TB yeast
2 TB salt
1/2 c. honey or brown sugar
1/2 c. oil
6 c. whole wheat flour
Mix together. I usually like to proof my yeast first by dissolving it in some of the water, adding a little of the sugar, and letting it start to work. But you don’t have to do that.
It will NOT be a firm dough. It will be spongy. This allows the whole wheat to soak up the liquid better. Just cover with plastic wrap and let it rise. It will just about fill the entire bowl when done. Then instead of “punching” down, you just stir it down.
6 cups white flour.

Now it will form a dough that you can knead for a few minutes to get smooth. Form into four loaves. Place in greased pans. Let rise. Bake 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. I usually look for the loaves’ tops to be brown, and the bread is pulling away from the sides of the pan a little. I tap on top of the bread with the knife’s flat side and listen for a nice hollow sound. LOL (pretty old school).

This recipe also makes good rolls. Bake the rolls at 425 degrees for 15-20 minutes.


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