Marti’s Corner – 34


Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,


*  I found this handy chart on STORAGE CONTAINERS, what kinds there are, how to use them, and how much they hold.  

*  I’m not buying any more seeds this year.  But if you’d like to get a head start next year (I planted all my tomatoes in January), check this out:  DollarSeed Your One-Stop Seed Shop  All the seeds are $1.

*  I was watching my gardening lady and she gave 4 methods to treat earwigs (sigh, YES, I’m STILL having problems – mostly with lettuce.  As soon as it comes up, something eats the little leavesEarwigs and leaves on a tiny bare stalk)

  1. Traps (You can google this.  I made a bunch and haven’t caught a single one)
  2. Diatomaceous earth.  I have some of this, but you have to reapply EVERY time you water, and if you water every day (like I do when it’s 100 degrees) that gets old.
  3. Sluggo Plus – This is what I’m currently using and frankly, it doesn’t seem to be deterring any kind of munching creature.
  4. Garlic Oil Spray:  1 bulb minced garlic, soak in 2 tsp mineral oil for 24 hours.  Mix into 2 pit water and add 1 TB liquid detergent.  Let steep for a few hours (overnight) and strain out the garlic.  To use, add 1-2 TB of the garlic mix and 2 c. water.  Spray on plants and dirt.  This spray also works for aphids, cabbage loopers, June bugs, leafhoppers, squash bugs, whiteflies.

Milk - Powdered MilkPowdered milk today is SOOO much better than it was 30 years ago.  If you bought milk 20 years ago, you should probably get more.  By using powdered milk, you can then make yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, whipped topping, buttermilk, day cheese, cottage cheese, bakers’ cheese, white sauce, pudding, etc.  

 A good estimate is 4 pounds per person per month. 

Each time you shop this month, as you pass the “kool-aid” racks, check the price for the large containers of drink mix.  Maybe pick up a lemonade, some Tang, and some red punch.  Your taste buds will thank you.

72-HOUR KIT FOCUS: Emergency Blanket

These fold up so small and easily fit in your pack.  I think you can get them for about $1.  Check the Dollar Store or Walmart.Mylar blankets

MISC. FOCUS: Vitamins

I watched a doctor testify before a State Senate Hearing.  His complaint was that the medical community is giving patients positive COVID diagnoses and then sending them home to take Tylenol and either get better or get worse.  He proposed that teams of doctors get together to study what, if any, medications might be given to patients to help them fight COVID so they would NOT have to go to the hospital.  

Prepper vitamins - emergency nutritionWithout getting into the middle of a debate on health options, it would help us all to strengthen our immune systems.

Some recommendations include:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Add to these whatever other vitamins you might need.  I know that I take calcium and iron in addition to a multivitamin.  Especially as we go into fall and winter, we should make sure we are getting at least 4,000 IU of Vitamin D.


Today’s recipes are from the book: There’s a Cow in the Kitchen, by Virginia D. Nelson

Buttermilk Pancakes

2 beaten eggs
2 c. buttermilk
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1 1/3 c. white flour
2/3 c. whole wheat flour
2 TB sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda

Stir together until moistened.  

Buttermilk Biscuits

2 c. flour (can use part whole wheat)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
    Mix dry ingredients.
1/4 c. shortening – Cut in with a fork or pastry blender.
3/4 c. buttermilk – Add a little at a time.

   Knead lightly on a floured board.  Roll 1/2 in thick and cut with a floured biscuit cutter (or the end of a glass or jar).  Bake on an ungreased baking sheet at 450˚ for 10-12 minutes.


1 c. non-instant dry powdered milk (or 1 3/4 c. instant)
3 c. slightly warm water
1/2 c. commercially cultured or previously made buttermilk

Combine ingredients.  Shake or beat until blended.  Cover and allow to stand in a warm spot until clabbered (6-12 hours).  When clabbered, the milk will be thick and smooth.  Refrigerate after the milk is clabbered.  It will be necessary to use a fresh start of commercial buttermilk occasionally, especially as your start gets rather old.  If you get a batch that won’t clabber, mix in 1/2 c. of fresh commercial buttermilk, and allow to clabber.

“If you don’t care for buttermilk as a drink, you may wonder how you can keep a start of buttermilk on hand without it going bad.  Buttermilk has a relatively long shelf life (2-3 weeks) because it is already soured.  With a little planning, you will find plenty of things to use it in.  The most common are chocolate cake, buttermilk waffles, pancakes, muffins, etc.  Buttermilk is also used in making cottage cheese and  baker’s cheese.”

Carry on, everyone.


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  1. Thanks for ideas. I have caught hundreds of earwigs over the years, just using this simple trap in my raspberries. I use small empty yogurt containers. Add: a few inches water, some oil to trap them and some soy sauce to attract them. Then just throw away when full of dead earwigs.

  2. Roll up any paper (newspaper), secure it with whatever you have and lay them on your garden beds. Earwigs love to hide, next day pick the rolled up paper up and unroll it over a bin, reuse. Dispose of the pest any way you see fit.

  3. I did an experiment with broccoli a few years ago. With Tulle (from JoAnns Fabric, the 60 to 70-percent off shelves). I made a ‘hoop’ out of an old piece of woven wire fence and draped tulle over it. I don’t know who designed this fabric, or for what purpose, because it had hot-pink dancing hippos on it. That could be why it was 70-percent off!
    At any rate, it protected the broccoli. Nothing ate it, until it was pretty big and I had to remove the fabric. The hoop was probably about 18″ high, and I just buried the ends of the fabric in the dirt.