Marti’s Corner – 38

Hi Everyone,
* Here is a great article about storing water: Drinking Water Guidelines.
* I came across a FaceBook group called, “Simply Prepared With CFD Publications.” From there I found this website: CFD Publications You will find a lot of good information in both places. You will also find a book called Pantry Cooking by Cheryl Driggs, which offers over 350 shelf-stable recipes.
* Beginning in late 2020, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints began to publish “Local Area Preparedness Guides.” Go here to find YOUR area: Local Area Prepare Here is the one for So. Cal: Temporal-Preparedness-Guide-North-America-Southwest-Area-Guide-May-2021
* I apologize if I’ve offered this before, but it’s really great: Houston Emergency Preparedness Cookbook You can download it now and look at it later.
** Garden Update. For several weeks, something has been eating my lettuce – AS SOON AS IT SPROUTS!!! I tried sprays and diatomaceous earth. I finally dug up all the lettuce and started over in new tubs. Same thing. I took pictures and sent them to a master gardener. She suggested mice, rabbits, or squirrels. I bought some sticky mouse traps and laid them right in the tubs. BUT, then I decided to move the tables away from next to the house. If it’s a mouse, I thought, it won’t be able to climb up the table if it’s away from the wall. Soooo… I did not catch a mouse, only a bunch of flies in the sticky goo. BUT, moving the tables has seemed to work, and I’m now harvesting lettuce again. In addition, I have also gotten zucchini and yellow squash from plants that I sprouted only a few weeks ago. Yay!!! I feel that the plants are finally starting to bloom again after the summer heat.
Foods made with powdered milk will have fewer calories and less cholesterol than those made from whole milk. Adding additional milk to the recipe will enhance the nutritive value of the recipe. In any recipe calling for milk, simply add the dry milk to the other dry ingredients, then add water for the milk called for in the recipe. In mashed potatoes: mash cooked potatoes, then add 1/4 c. dry milk for each cup of potatoes. Use either the water the potatoes were cooked in or fresh milk to give the right consistency.
72-HOUR FOCUS: Deck of Cards
I grew up playing cards with my grandpa. His favorite card games were Gin Rummy and Hearts. I guess MY favorite card games are Gin Rummy and Crazy Eights. Playing cards would be a fun family home evening – Crazy Eights and popcorn.
MISC FOCUS: Hydrogen Peroxide
Check this out:
Fruit Smoothies (a good way to use bottled fruit)
2 c. bottled fruit with juice
3/4 c. nonfat powdered milk
1-2 drops almond flavoring, or vanilla, or 1 TB lemon juice. (Use almond flavoring with cherries and large stone fruits, lemon juice with berries.)
Put in blender and blend until smooth. Add 1/2 tray ice cubes and blend until smooth.
To use fresh fruit, use one cup of fruit and 1 c. water and sweeten to taste.
Peanut Butter Chews:
1 c. powdered sugar
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. corn syrup or honey
2 c. instant dry milk (or 1 c. non-instant)
Mix milk and sugar thoroughly. Add peanut butter and syrup mixture. Knead with hands. Press into a cake pan or roll into walnut size balls.
Variations: Add nuts, or Rice Krispies. Dip in chocolate.
Tootsie Rolls
1 c. honey
1/2 c. cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
1 c. non-instant powdered milk
Cook honey to 255˚. Do not overcook. Remove from heat. Add vanilla. Mix cocoa and powdered milk well and stir into honey. Pull like taffy until gloss is gone and roll into rolls.
Food prices are rising. Stay prepared!!!
Thanks for the Temporal Preparedness guide. I was wondering which religion stresses preparedness, because I heard of it somewhere before. The biblical references add credence. Your blog and videos are very well done. Appreciate you guys so much!
Smoothies are good, but I’ll never buy store-bought popsicles again! I grow a lot of my own fruit, and also ordered peaches from the Peach Truck. I had those ice cube trays with small circles, easy to push the bottom and pop out the ice kind, and just blended up peaches and half+half, fruit and yogurt, etc. I pop them out and put them in freezer bags, or I use my popsicle maker, Mama-sicles, from Amazon. There are six, and a stand to put them on, with a little brush to wash them with.
Today, I have some leftover pineapple and coconut milk – Yum!
OH – and those Tootsie Rolls sound delicious! Thanks!!
For those of use allergic to dairy I bought a “nut bag” to make my own oat milk, only $3.00 plus the oats, which store well! Any other suggestions?