Marti’s Corner – 81

New Madrid fault line

Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,


*  Did you have a summer goal?  Mine was to use my sun oven and I’m so happy to say that I DID IT!!!  Several times.  Time for a new goal.  

*  I’m helping our local congregation get registered to participate in the Great California ShakeOut in October.  I’m not sure, but I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages EVERY unit to participate in this because it’s a good time to remind ourselves what to do in the event that there is an actual earthquake.  

Of course, here in California, we are all worried about the San Andreas Fault.

We are long overdue for a major earthquake on this fault line.  If it is severe enough, it would cut freeway access, natural gas lines, and electricity to a major part of Southern California.  And no, that narrow western strip of land is NOT going to fall into the sea!  The fault is a lateral one.  The land on the west continues to move north.  Before you know it, LA will be right alongside Bakersfield!  

What you may NOT know, is there is another major fault line in the United States that runs along the Mississippi River, and into Missouri and even Arkansas.

New Madrid fault line

This is the New Madrid fault.  A magnitude 7.7 on this fault could leave more than 7 million people homeless. Earthquake Threat – Jackson County MO.  Even if your area is NOT planning on an organized drill, YOU and your family can still participate:  ShakeOut_Global_2022_individualsfamilies.pdf

**  You should know how to turn off your gas after an earthquake.  For all you visual learners, here you go:  HOW TO shut off and restart your gas line in case of emergency – YouTube

Now PRACTICE!!!  Make it part of your earthquake drill.  (Okay, don’t actually DO it, but pretend over and over!!!)


I was out in the garden this morning and thought it was time to look UNDER the leaves.

Broccoli looks good on top.Sneaky little aphids!!!  And spraying UNDER the leaves is never easy.  I used Neem oil this morning.  A LOT of Neem oil.  Grrrrr.

** I found a HUGE grasshopper in the garden.  I can never catch those little pesks, so instead, I crept up and poured DE all over him.  Hah!

garden 1 garden 2

THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: pasta – 10 pounds

Time to increase your supply of spaghetti and macaroni.  I used to watch for the pasta to go on sale for 2 lbs / $1.  But those days are gone.  Pasta at my local store is now $1.50 per package, but you must have a way to store them long-term.  You can vacuum seal them (this is what I do), or store them in a plastic food-grade bucket.  Pasta packages right from the store are very susceptible to pantry moths, so beware.

MISC PURCHASE: hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is actually very versatile.  22 Hydrogen Peroxide Uses You Can Try Today  It can be used in nearly every room of the house.  In this article, it says that peroxide is no longer recommended to be used on open wounds.  But, it also admits that doctors differ in their opinions, and in an emergency, do what the Spirit tells you to do.  I will tell you that I had some mouth sores from dental work, and I swished some 50/50 peroxide and water a few times a day, and things were MUCH better after just one day.


Lysander's SoupsI did some research on Lysander soups.  They are out out-of-stock everywhere.  There is a FB page and it has been inactive since 2019 when there was some kind of disagreement within the company.  But the list of ingredients says it includes garlic powder, onion powder and natural Hickory flavorings and spices.  So, that’s not a lot of help is it?  It does say to add 1 medium chopped onion, 1 diced carrot, 1-2 chopped potatoes, and 1 celery stalk chopped (along with ham if available).  

**  Here is an entire recipe book SHELF-STABLE-RECIPE-BOOK sent in by readers of Food Storage Made Easy.  Check it out!

** Southwest Egg Rolls

I like this recipe because nearly everything is on my shelf, except for the egg rolls.  

In a large bowl mix:
1 jar chicken (or 2 cans) drained
2 c. frozen corn (I usually have frozen, but if not, use canned)
1 can black beans rinsed and drained

fresh spinach (last time I made this I didn’t have any spinach so I left it out and never noticed).  Just use a big pile of it.
2 c. Mexican cheese grated
4 green onions chopped
1 can diced green chilis, drained (I’m not a huge fan of chilis, but I can’t taste them in this recipe, so I go ahead and add them)
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (I barely use any)

Preheat oven to 425˚.  Line a cookie sheet with foil, and then spray the foil with oil.  Have a small dish with water handy for rolling the egg rolls.

For each egg roll, take one egg roll and put it in front of you with one of the pointed corners facing you.  Put about 1/4 c. of chicken mix toward the bottom of the diamond.  Fold the bottom up, then fold the sides in.  Roll toward the top.  Stop and dip your finger into the water and put water on the edges of the diamond toward the top.  As you roll toward the top, the wet part of the egg roll will stick and make a nice little package.  Place on the baking sheet.  I can usually get about 15-18 egg rolls (whatever is in the package – maybe it’s only 12, I don’t remember).  Then spray the Pam over the egg rolls.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Turn them all over (I use tongs) and back in the oven for 5-10 more minutes.

I like to use this dressing with them:
3/8 c. mayo (Just use a 1/4 c. measuring cup and fill it 1 1/2 times)
3/8 c. sour cream
3 TB buttermilk
1/2 TB lemon juice
1/2 green onion chopped
1/4 tsp salt
1 avocado
Mash together and dip the egg rolls in before eating.  SO DELICIOUS!!!

Chicken Barley Chili
1 can Italian diced tomatoes.  If you just have regular tomatoes, add 1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 16-oz jar Salsa OR tomato sauce
1 can chicken broth (or 2 cups)
1 c. barley
3 c. water
1 TB chili powder
1 tsp cumin
Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat.  Simmer for 20 min, stirring occasionally.

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can corn, drained
1 1/2 lb chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces and boiled, or canned chicken
Bring to a boil again, cover and reduce heat.  Simmer another 5-10 minutes or until barley is tender.
Optional:  top with shredded cheese, sour cream, and tortilla chips.
Makes 10 cups.  

Jo Ann’s Rocky Road Fudge
Okay, this is NOT a food storage recipe.

But, Jo Ann used to make this for various group parties,  and the men devoured it!!!
1 c. chocolate chips
1 c. butterscotch chips
1 heaping teaspoon peanut butter
      Melt together in microwave in 30 second increments, stirring after each.  Be careful not to burn.
3 c. miniature marshmallows
1 c. nuts (either walnuts or peanuts)
   Add and mix
Pour into a foil-lined pan and refrigerate until set.

Life is crazy out there.  Everyone continue to prepare.


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