Marti’s Corner – 84

Hi Everyone,
* Just a reminder of why my church is doing this: Food Storage
* I saw this on FaceBook. This is EXACTLY how I did my barrels.
* Here is a handy chart for mixing powdered milk. Pretty sure they are talking about non-fat non-instant milk, NOT the instant milk. I’ve always mixed instant milk 1/3 c. milk plus water to make 1 cup. But the powdered milk I use 1/4 c. milk and water to make 1 cup. Just know that on this chart, 3 TB is ALMOST 1/4 c. One-fourth cup is actually 4 TB, but I think it makes the milk just a little richer – not so “see through”.
* Butter Powder on sale 60% off. If you’re interested: Augason Farms Butter Powder 2 lbs 4 oz No. 10 Can
Here are some tips on using the butter powder:
1/2 c. butter powder plus 1 1/2 TB of water is equivalent to 1/2 c. (1 stick) store bought butter
When using in recipes: Add butter powder to dry ingredients then add allocated water to the wet ingredients
To shape:
- Mix 1 c. butter powder with 3 TB water (if necessary, adjust water for desired consistency).
- Form into desired shape
Spreadable: Mix 1 c. butter powder with 6 TB water
* The broccoli harvest time is 71 days. I replanted on Sept 3. So, that means that somewhere about the first week of November, I should have broccoli. We’ll see. It’s a grand experiment. Actually, ALL of the gardening is a grand experiment every year.
* I’m so grateful for this rain!!! It is really helping with the local fire that is raging out of control. Also, it pulls nitrogen out of the air and onto the plants! Yay, Mother Nature! That’s why everything greens up after rain.
This can be tuna, canned salmon, SPAM, canned chicken….whatever you are used to cooking with. Try to get at least 5 cans or $20 worth.
MISC PURCHASE: Candles & Matches
Here are two ideas for candlelight: Hyoola Emergency Candles – 24 Pack White Short Taper Candles – Unscented – Emergency Candles for Home and Emergency Kit
Put 5-6 of these candles in a pint jar and toss in a box of matches. Keep one in your bedroom, in the kitchen, in the hall closet, anywhere.
I have a few of these: Candlelife Emergency Survival Candle – 115 Hours Long Lasting Burning Time – Great Source of Light for Blackout – Smoke & Odor-Free
I DO have a lot of outdoor solar lights. But, then there are the days when the sun doesn’t shine, and the lights won’t work.
Tuna Casserole
If you have never had this 1950’s classic, here it is. Easy to store and make:
Cook pasta (1 pound macaroni or any other), Drain
2 cans of tuna drained
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
Add. You can add a little milk to the soup to make it easier to mix. Some people like to add peas. Others think peas are gaggy!!! Some add crushed potato chips on top. But potato chips are not storage material. I like tuna casserole, but cook it only occasionally.
1 c. macaroni
1 can corn
1 can diced tomatoes
2 TB dehydrated onions
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp thyme
2 TB parsley
1 c. water (you may need to add more as macaroni cooks)
1 pint beef (OR chicken)
Combine and simmer
Taco Pot Pie
1 pint beef (or 1 pound beef-browned)
1 pkg taco seasoning
1/4 c. water
1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 can diced tomatoes
3/4 c. corn
3/4 c. peas
Mix all ingredients and put in a casserole dish.
1 1/2 c. cheddar cheese – sprinkle over meat mixture
Topping: cornbread (use a mix or a recipe and spoon on top)
Thanks for the heads up on the butter powder!
Thanks for the chart Marti! I have powdered butter, and it will have to do in a pinch. I read that using oil instead of water improves the taste and texture when reconstituting it. I need to make some ghee…on the list of ‘to-do’ once frost kills off the garden. ALSO, MATCHES are almost impossible to find lately. I don’t know if they aren’t being manufactured or what, but since last spring they aren’t in the stores very much, even near the charcoal. There is a space where they should be. Fortunately, I found a stash when re-organizing things to go in our new shed, which also will have an outdoor area for canning in the summer. Right now, there are pumpkins, delicata squash, and onions out there. ALSO: It’s time to re-organize my truck for winter emergencies. I am retired, but there is peace of mind knowing that I have extra clothes, matches and a candle in a jar, sand for traction, shovel, etc. in the back. I have 4WD of course, here in the northland, and only go to town about once a month, but still…..that’s how I roll! I’m stocking up on pet and livestock feed, and bedding. Speaking of bedding – the large bales/bags of wood shavings from Canada, most people don’t realize how handy that is. Emergency TOILET? Forget about plastic bags. Just put some nice pine shavings in a bucket, and go dump it on your garden, or in a garden path. Everything breaks down eventually.