Marti’s Corner – 92

Natural Antibiotics from Nature

Marti's Corner at City PreppingHi Everyone,

** The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints operates Home Storage Centers where you can buy #10 cans of food, including wheat, rice, beans, oats, etc.  You do NOT need to be a member of the church to purchase supplies there.  The prices are very reasonable.  This link has a video and explanations of what is offered there.  You will find a link to find a Home Storage Center near you.  There are 101 locations across the United States and Canada.  You can also find a price list.

Bugs in food getting rid of them** I watched this video about DIY pantry pest removal.  How to Get Rid of Pantry Pests Guaranteed (4 Easy Steps)

**  Here is an article about 14 natural alternatives to antibiotics.  In short:

  • HONEY can be used to treat wounds and boost the immune system.
  • GARLIC – just chew on a peeled, raw clove, and the antibiotic properties will be directly absorbed into your bloodstream.  If that is too strong, just put the garlic in a little honey or oil.
  • OREGANO oil is called Caracole and can fight bacteria that cause infections.  Oil of oregano can fight MRSA, and other resistant bacteria.  Dilute it with a carrier, and you can treat acne.  Don’t apply directly to the skin.
  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR can kill staph infections.  It can also be used to disinfect wounds.
  • THYME contains caryophyllene and camphene, both antiseptics.  It even works on antibiotic-resistant strains.
  • LAVENDER oil can be mixed with a little coconut oil and applied to wounds to prevent infection.  
  • TURMERIC can help fight chest congestion and coughs.
  • ECHINACEA  has been used to treat the common cold.
  • COLLOIDAL SILVER can be used for cold sores and other wounds.  Personal note:  I use it every time I have sore gums or any kind of mouth irritation.  They will be gone in a day!!!!

Check out the rest of the list here:  Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

We put up a frame so that we can cover our tomatoes with a frost blanket.  We USUALLY don’t get frost until February-March.  But the temps are supposed to get down to the middle 30s at night this weekend.  I’m in Zone 9B.  I’ve got green tomatoes on the vines and am holding out hope they will make it through.Zucchini

I dug up all the zucchini, even the plants I planted in August.  They are just not going to make it.  Not hot enough in the day, much less at night.

I ordered a few packets of seeds so I can start indoors about the middle of December.

The broccoli is up and doing well, as are the carrots.  Gardening is such an IFFY activity for me. 

THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: soup – 20 cans
It used to be that 20 cans of soup would cost you about $10.  Not so today.  If you get them at Winco or Costco, you can probably get them for under $1 each.  You can get soup that is ready to eat (Progresso) or soup that just needs water (Chicken Noodle) or soup that you would use in a casserole (Cream of Mushroom).  Maybe a few of each?  Just buy what you would normally use.  I store Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, and Tomato soup.  After trying some Progresso soup, I was disappointed at how watery it was, so I made my own vegetable soup and canned it!!!  Whatever you choose, pick up a few extra cans on your next shopping trip, write the date on them, and put them in a closet.

Another month of bathroom tissue.  Just do it.  Build up to a 5-6 month supply. 


Beefy Rice
1 c. rice
2 c. water
1 tsp salt
    Prepare rice according to directions
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
1 TB dry onions  (I usually rehydrate first by soaking in a small cup of hot water for 10-15 min)
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 pint beef (or 1/2 pound hamburger, browned and drained)

Swedish Beef over Rice or Potatoes
1 can Golden Mushroom soup
1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
4 TB melted butter
1 can evaporated milk
     Stir until smooth
In a cup mix:  1/2 c. water and 1/4 c. flour.  Add to the soup mix.  Heat till bubbly.
1-pint ground beef OR 1 12-oz can of roast beef
Serve over rice or potatoes

1 pint ground beef or 1 pound beef, browned and drained
1/4 c. chopped fresh onion or 1 TB dehydrated onion
1 large can of pinto beans.  You can use dried beans if you soak them overnight.  1 c. dry beans = 3 c. cooked beans
1 can tomato soup
1 can diced tomatoes
Add chili powder, salt, pepper, etc.


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  1. I’m blown away how kind the local Mormon Home Storage Center ladies were in St. Paul, Oregon. Not being a member of the church was no problem at all. And, boy, what amazing prices!

    Sally in Oregon

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