Warning! Massive Shortages Are Coming

Years ago, when you wanted a product or good, you had to place an order and wait. If it was a popular product on a store shelf, in a back warehouse, or off-site at a holding warehouse, you could receive the product in a short amount of time. If it wasn’t in stock somewhere, an order was placed with a manufacturer, and you would wait, and wait, and wait, until it was finally manufactured because enough other orders were placed to warrant that manufacturer to gather the necessary raw materials and fire up his machines. It was such a different world just a decade or two ago. In recent years manufacturing moved to countries that could pay less and generate products faster and cheaper. Delivery systems became more efficient. Computerization eliminated the need for paper orders to be delivered or transcribed over the phone. Globalization built up an extremely effective and efficient ordering and delivery system. As a result, on-hand inventory shrunk, and savings could be realized by not storing large quantities of products on the shelf. In economic terms, supply ramped up slowly to meet demand. When a product was no longer in demand, manufacturers retooled their factories for a product that was in higher demand. Raw material producers, manufacturers, distributors, and sales all finely tuned their processes to have as little overhead and product and as much profit as possible. When the system is working great, it’s paradise. Imagine you’re in a sports stadium with 50,000 other fans. There’s enough beer, nachos, hot dogs, and other foods to go around. The sports venue’s food services have looked at what they typically sell and the maximum capacity of the stadium and cipher out from that the amount of product they were likely to sell. They then gamble on their accuracy by ordering just that amount of product, let’s say hot dogs, in this case. If the demand is suddenly higher than average for hot dogs, they run out. Seizing the opportunity presented by short supply, an independent hot dog vendor might raise his price because the demand is high. When they are gone, they are gone. If you really crave a hot dog, you have to pay up. The basic laws of supply and demand still work in the just-in-time systems of today, but they are far more volatile. Supply has become more efficient and way thinner. It is now one delivery per month instead of ten, perhaps. It is one factory manufacturing a given product instead of five factories around the world needed to supply their region of the globe. It’s now one refinery instead of six. We can see the proof that this system is susceptible to wider swings and greater volatility today in both significant and seemingly inconsequential shortages.NO SHORTAGE OF SHORTAGES
There are a few shortages I will refer to here as odd because we probably didn’t see it coming, and they don’t impact our lives all that greatly. So, we tend to shrug them off, scratch our heads, and move on with our lives. I won’t go too in-depth into these, as they are not as critical. Still, it is worth understanding the whats and whys to understand better the system’s fragility and its susceptibility to collapse. Some of the reasons for some shortages are obvious, some not so obvious. Any way you look at it, though, the fact that we are experiencing more shortages and a higher frequency of shortages is undeniable. Here are some of the notable shortages last year, this year, and on the horizon. SURGICAL MASKS
